I Turned 30! Ashlee at the skating rink for 30th birthday.

I Turned 30 And Here’s What Happened + 30 Life Lessons


On November 9th, I turned thirty years old (cheers 🥂 to my fellow SCORPIOS)! Initially, I was in disbelief, seriously, where did the time go?! But 30 came, and it feels DAMN GOOD! It’s a huge blessing to see 30, and I won’t take any of it for granted. 

So, here I am today, embracing it and feeling more of a sense of self and self-confidence. I’m finally getting to discover more of Ashlee as a woman, and it’s been one of the greatest feelings.

The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence. – Beyoncé Knowles

Another great feeling was reflecting over life for the past 30 years. Here’s how I spent my 30th birthday plus 30 life lessons I’ve learned. 

It’s my 30th Birthday!

As Aaliyah said, age ain’t nothin’ but a number! On my 30th birthday, I woke up, and it still felt like 29. 😂 OK, ok, there are a few changes, like my knees ache when it’s cold outside. Also, I upped my skincare regimen because who has time for wrinkles?

Once up, I read my daily scripture and thanked God for another birthday. For November, I created a self-care calendar to do something self-care related daily such as: eat at my favorite restaurant, read a book, listen to a podcast, do a face mask, wine dates, yoga, and splurge a little on shopping. But today was my favorite. I got to celebrate my birthday and spend time with my family and friends.

Rolling back to the 90s

I wanted to keep things low key for my 30th birthday; however, that didn’t happen. I decided to rent out a skating rink for a few hours to have a 90s themed party – and oh my goodness was it fun!

We kicked the night off with food, drinks, and taking photos at a hotel suite (special thank you to Q of Eye-Dew for capturing shots for me). Around 10:30, the party bus arrived to take us to the skating rink.

After a few shots At some point, I realized I forgot my birthday cake in the hotel suite. Since we were en route to the skating rink, there was no turning back. 😭 Here’s a quick side note: before indulging in adult beverages, ask someone to remind you of the items you need to prevent leaving them.

Finally, we arrived at the skating rink, and I skated (and hit the floor a few times on my face 🥴) the entire night. I had a blast and would like to thank everyone that traveled near and far to make an ol’ gal feel good!

Damn 30, is that you!?

Turning 30 has been magical. I feel wiser and free. I’ve also realized I have thisssss 👌 much tolerance for bullshit. Time is critical, and I hate wasting it on things that are draining me emotionally and mentally. Every moment spent with family and friends is important. And I made a promise for this next year, next decade, and so forth to be a better version of the woman I am today!

30 important things I’ve learned

Over the years, a lot changed, and I’ve learned a ton of lessons from mistakes I’ve made to bad decisions. As I approached 30, the more self-realizations I started to have. Usually, I’m self-doubting myself, but now it was time to look at what I HAVE accomplished and celebrate that! While I am still a work in progress and I know I still have plenty to learn, here are 30 things I learned before my 30th birthday, in no particular order.

1. Love yourself and take care of YOU first

The most important thing is to always take care of yourself first. Do what makes you happy and keep it in perspective.

2. It’s OK to say no

Here’s one I’m still practicing. I hate disappointing people, so I would always say yes. The truth of the matter is, if you don’t want to do it, you have every right to say no. Don’t be afraid to use that two-letter word without explanation.

3. These are my ovaries and I said what I said

🙄 Thanks to society for putting so much pressure on women. My purpose isn’t just to get married and pop out babies. I have my timeline and choose to live my life how I want until I’m ready *drops mic*.

4. Embrace your natural beauty

Less is more! Be comfortable in your skin; embrace all of your beauty.

5. There are no rules to life, make your own

What is it that you want out of life? Where do you wish to go? It’s your life, make your own rules.

6. Own up to your mistakes

By 30, we should be taking full responsibility for the mistakes we make. You live, and you learn.

7. Ask for support when you need it

This one is tough, but sometimes it’s damn near impossible to do everything. Asking for help won’t kill you, Ashlee (sigh)!!!

8. Pick and choose your battles wisely

Life is too short. Don’t waste your time and energy fighting every. single. thing.

9. Manifestation is real

You are more powerful than you believe. If you haven’t read The Secret yet, you must!

10. Comparison is your enemy

Don’t compare the unedited version of your life to the highlight reel of someone else’s.

11. Meditation and yoga are life changing

Whew! This past year I realized how impactful yoga and meditation have been. It’s truly a life-changing experience physically and mentally.

12. Define your own success

Everyone’s interpretation of success is different, define your own.

13. You don’t need everyone to like you

Yes! To some, you’re just not their cup of tea, and that’s OK. Once you learn to accept this, you will be so much happier! Be respectful and kind, but remember that we are all different.

14. Change is growth

Change can be scary, but it’s necessary to help us evolve.

15. F^ck fear!


16. No one is perfect

Not a single soul, stop putting so much pressure on yourself.

17. Stop worrying and move on

Worrying does absolutely nothing. Pray/meditate and let it go.

18. Follow your passion

Sometimes it’s not the easiest decision, but it’s the best decision in the end. Do what makes you happy.

19. I’m still trying to figure it out

Can I get an amen?

20. Invest in yourself

The best investment you will ever make is yourself!

21. Be happy for other people

Dimming someone else’s light won’t make yours shine any brighter. We all have our winning seasons in life; your time will come.

22. Reflect and learn from your experiences

Learning from your experiences have the power to turn you into something better than you were before.

23. It’s better to give than to receive

So true!

24. Others opinions are just that and nothing more

Everyone has an opinion. But in the end, you have to do what is best for you.

25. Keep your inner circle small

Always protect your space and circle. It’s important to have authentic relationships with genuine people who are rooting for you and vice versa.

26. Not everything needs to be posted on social media

You don’t have to post it to prove it. Remember, a private life is a happy life.

27. Eat clean and go to the gym

Listen! The older you get, the quicker the pounds come. There are so many benefits to eating clean and going to the gym. Once it becomes a part of your lifestyle, you’ll feel like a million bucks!

28. Live in the moment

The only guarantee in life is the current moment. It’s OK to put your phone down and be present, be engaged, and live in the moment!

29. Travel often

If you have the opportunity to travel, you should 100% do it! Like life, traveling teaches many lessons, from learning about various cultures to the challenges that force you to problem-solve and be resourceful (thanks, Iceland 😑).  

30. Trust your gut

You know that feeling in your stomach when something isn’t quite right? Always go with your conscience, it knows best!

Cheers to the 30s! ❤️



  • Lashelter Phillips

    Wow…. I turned 36 in October (yaay scorps) and it still amazes me how only 1 year ago I began implementing over half of your list in my life. I have NEVER been happier with myself. Yes I may have filtered some people out of my life, changed my eating habits, meditate often…… oh my gosh I could go on and on but most importantly, I’ve learned to say no. It perfectly ok. I love love love this. And couldn’t agree with you more. Cant wait to read “The Secret” I just ordered it.

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